About us

Jobfair.pro is a portal focused on job fairs all over the world. Your online job fair. We pay close attention to all job fairs happening across the US and the globe as a whole, to bring you the best opportunities.

We also see a shift in the industry. With increased connectivity and mobility, people are no longer required to commute to work, or even get a job. Many jobs are simply generated and maintained online. An example of that are the online job fairs, where people meet potential employers in a virtual environment, without direct personal contact.

So we bring…

A new concept for a global job fair industry and the virtual economy

Whether you are in a secure job position in a renowned company or you have just graduated at college and are focusing on freelance online jobs, one thing is for sure: you definitely have to pay attention to the gig economy. Because it is fast, easy and global. And it is here to stay.

Not only because it can be a quick source of money, but also because you can hire an expert in a cost-effective manner without a hassle. Even if you are looking for a perfect fit for employment in a specific area of your company, have you considered if maybe that freelancer from the other side of the world is the perfect fit for your job?

Jobfair.pro focuses on that. We are partners with organizations from all sides of the globe, focusing on global jobs for a global economy. Our mission is to be your online job fair. We will do our best to find the most important job fairs, whether physical or virtual, always considering if they have something in common with our mission.

Also, we provide a carefully curated classifieds section for global companies seeking global talents, along with career advice with a focus on people who want to start their own business or find work in the gig economy, whether they global or can only be done locally.

Jobfair.pro: your online job fair guiding you through the virtual economy.